The simpliest way to schedule a meeting across organizations.
Youkeeps automatically coordinates participants, eliminating back-and-forth hassle, regardless of time zones or calendar systems.
STEP 1: Organizer creates scheduling proposal for the meeting
Organizer adds participants' emails and picks the possible slots to offer. Youkeeps displays only mutually available slots for participants from your organization and Youkeeps's users from other companies.
STEP 2: Participants receive proposals and pick convenient slots
Youkeeps analyzes their choices and automatically books the closest slot.
STEP 3: Save the date
Youkeeps sends the final Outlook invitation so the meeting is arranged and scheduled in the participants' calendars.
Advanced features
Every your meeting is special, so we added some features to fit every need
Set the voting order
Need to prioritize the attendees? With Youkeeps you can set the order and let the most busy voters choose first.
Nudge everyone in one click
Tired of contacting each attendee individually? Now you can nudge all of the attendees with just one click.
Fix slot selection deadline
Set the expiration deadline with custom notifications to make sure that the meeting will be held within necessary time.
We know the impact that subtle details can have on the overall productivity of your company. Feel free to contact us, and we'll provide an in-depth analysis of how our services can contribute to boosting your organization's efficiency: