Terms of Use
Preliminary remarks
By using the software and services provided by youkeeps.com, you accept the following general terms and conditions.

Youkeeps reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without giving any reasons or prior notice.

Youkeeps makes use of Cookies. By using the services, the user agrees to the use of cookies. How exactly we use cookies can be found in our Privacy Policy.
Services provided by Youkeeps
Youkeeps provides services to the user via the Internet. In this context, Youkeeps is entitled to send electronic mail (e-mail) to the user, which is necessary for the provision of the services. By entering his e-mail address, the user agrees to this fact.

Youkeeps is entitled to store the data entered by the user within the scope of the use of the services and the data generated thereby for further processing. The user is responsible for the correctness of the provided data. In addition, the user is solely responsible for stored content that is subject to licensing (e.g., texts and images).

Youkeeps does not warrant the fulfillment of individual user requirements by the services provided on the platform Youkeeps.com. In particular, Youkeeps does not warrant that
  • the services are available permanently and are delivered timely, secure or error-free,
  • the requirements of the user are completely and correctly covered,
  • that possible errors and deficiencies in the services are corrected.

Youkeeps assumes no liability
  • for any disorder of the Internet availability or failures of the services infrastructure (e.g., the servers),
  • in the case of force majeure,
  • for incorrect use of the services by the user,
  • for the permanent or temporary non-availability of the services and related data,
  • for direct or indirect damages of any kind resulting from the above mentioned facts.
Youkeeps may remove, modify, add new services, or permanently or temporarily discontinue the services (including their system requirements) or parts thereof without stating reasons. By the further use of the services the user declares tacitly his consent to such changes.

Youkeeps provides free support via e-mail to assist with the use of the services. The support does not include a general transfer of knowledge, training or adaptation of the services due to the individual wishes of the user. Youkeeps does not warrant the availability of the support.
Terms of Use
The user acknowledges Youkeeps's copyright, trademark and other rights in relation to the provided services. He may not remove or modify this information. In addition, it is prohibited to copy, sell or otherwise distribute the services or parts thereof.

The user undertakes to use the services of Youkeeps only in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and in compliance with the current legal provisions. He undertakes not to misuse the services, in particular, not to transmit any illegal content.

If a user account is set up, the user is responsible for the security of his/her password. Automated user account creation is prohibited. The user undertakes not to undertake any deliberate actions which could disturb or block the services. In this context, it is forbidden to carry out automated data input, which is suitable for the generation of mass data (spam).

Youkeeps reserves the right to view, reject or delete the content and data of the users, if they give rise for complaint. Youkeeps may also reject or delete personal web addresses (URL), which the user may define as part of the service, in particular if they violate the trademark rights of a third party.

By using the services on youkeeps.com, the user agrees to Youkeeps privacy policy. The user loses the right to use the services by violating these general terms and conditions. Youkeeps is therefore entitled to block the access of the user to the services.
Final provisions
If one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by a legally equivalent provision which is as similar as possible. The same applies to gaps in the provisions.

The General Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Delaware, US. The court of jurisdiction is Delaware, US.
February 2024

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